The Praise of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is my favorite Sunday all year. I love when the kids come out waving palm branches through the isles of the sanctuary as we sing "Hosanna in the Highest." It fills my heart with joy as we praise our God and Savior with displays of excitement.
When I asked if anyone here in Kijabe will wave palm branches during the service I learned it's not typically part of the service here, so I turned to youtube to watch others wave in worship. When I came across the Jesus film it hit me that it was not the kids that waved palm branches in the Bible, but the adults. There is something amazing about adults prising in such an outward and active way as they get so excited about Jesus. Kids are often the ones who get excited and use their whole bodies to show it, adults are usually more reserved. You know there was great importance in Jesus' coming if the adults are the ones who passionately display their praise.
Even with the excitement of the palm branches and the opportunity to praise Jesus on Palm Sunday there is a bit of sadness too. I am sad as I think about the fact that many of the Jewish people got it wrong. They wanted a king to rule over them and given them freedom from the Roman government. There is also sadness because we know that the triumphant entry leads to Jesus death. Even though Jesus died in order to forgive my sins the sadness comes in knowing that he had to die to accomplish this goal.
And so, the sadness of Jesus death to come on Good Friday leads back to praise. We praise today because of what Palm Sunday leads to and what has now been accomplished - Forgiveness of our sins and life with God. This is why Palm Sunday is my favorite Sunday. It is a chance to participate in an outward display of praise for what is to come in Easter and what has already come because of our great Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Zech 9:9 [NASB77]) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
When I asked if anyone here in Kijabe will wave palm branches during the service I learned it's not typically part of the service here, so I turned to youtube to watch others wave in worship. When I came across the Jesus film it hit me that it was not the kids that waved palm branches in the Bible, but the adults. There is something amazing about adults prising in such an outward and active way as they get so excited about Jesus. Kids are often the ones who get excited and use their whole bodies to show it, adults are usually more reserved. You know there was great importance in Jesus' coming if the adults are the ones who passionately display their praise.
Even with the excitement of the palm branches and the opportunity to praise Jesus on Palm Sunday there is a bit of sadness too. I am sad as I think about the fact that many of the Jewish people got it wrong. They wanted a king to rule over them and given them freedom from the Roman government. There is also sadness because we know that the triumphant entry leads to Jesus death. Even though Jesus died in order to forgive my sins the sadness comes in knowing that he had to die to accomplish this goal.
And so, the sadness of Jesus death to come on Good Friday leads back to praise. We praise today because of what Palm Sunday leads to and what has now been accomplished - Forgiveness of our sins and life with God. This is why Palm Sunday is my favorite Sunday. It is a chance to participate in an outward display of praise for what is to come in Easter and what has already come because of our great Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Zech 9:9 [NASB77]) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
P.S. It was a wonderful experience to look at different depictions of the Triumphal Entry. From old to new, those for kids and others to be hung for adults to see, the artwork is fascinating. To think that I am part of the story that has been depicted over and over for centuries is awe inspiring.
Similarly, it was amazing to listen to songs on youtube for Palm Sunday as I worshiped on this day. There are songs that I remember and others that are new. There are songs for kids and then songs from different cultures. I was struck as some of the words perfectly stated what was in my heart, while others guided my praise. Then, I was excited by the cultural worship like Kirk Franklin's "Hosanna". God is the God of every culture and it makes my heart happy to hear how different cultures praise Him in their way. My God is over all. Amen.
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