My Story

My journey of missions started about two years ago when I sensed God saying that there was more that He wanted for me.  One Sunday in church, the pastor was talking about evangelism, and it clicked.  With an open heart God sent me with the High School Ministry to work with Global Frontier Missions.  There, I grew a vision for God’s kingdom and those who still need to be reached.  With a new desire to go into missions, I began praying for help and for direction.  A love for the people of Africa began to grow in my heart. A few days before I left to visit and serve in Malawi, Africa, a lady from African Inland Missions, an organization I talked to while at Urbana (a missions conference), called and asked how she could help me in my journey of missions. This call was an answer to prayer, and it began my partnership with AIM.

With a view for missions in the future, my church suggested a short term trip as the next step.  This summer I have the opportunity to help with English training leading into gospel conversations with the people at the Alpha school in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar.  This opportunity will be 30 days this summer, allowing me to get a better feel for the country and more training in evangelism.

In August of 2015 I headed back to Madagascar and down to the coastal town of Toliara to join an AIM focus team.  Unfortunately, my team disbanded shortly there after and I stayed to learn from my leaders.  I spent 8 months there and studied everything from language and culture to Storying and slowly started to learn English Bible studies.  I soon found out how important a team is for a working in a new culture and quickly burned out.  However, the during time I did have in Toliara, I learned how important prayer is, and saw God do amazing things to show who He is.  I learned many great lessons from my leaders as they modeled how to develop relationships with new groups and introduce Bible stories.

My leaders were scheduled to leave for home before the end of my two year term.  Realizing that it was not wise for me to stay in Toliara as the only AIMer I was able to work with the AIM leadership and ended up at Rift Valley Academy (or mission's boarding school) to fill their opening for an Elementary and Choral music teacher, for the remainder of my term.

I am now at RVA in Kijabi, Kenya enjoying teaching music to the missionary kids, international students, and native Kenyans that make up the 500 students in our K-12 school.  Check out my blog posts for more stories and updates.


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