Be Thankful For Crying out Loud.
There is a reason the Bible says, "in all things give thanks," because taking time to be thankful we end up saying another famous Biblical phrase, "everything is meaningless."
I love my runs after school, they help me sort through life with God. The funny thing I've noticed is that sometimes Satan likes the take that same time and tell me, "everything is meanless." I have been thankful for how the Spirit reminds me to that I have hope because of Jesus, or that whatever I do is for God, the God of meaning, but I today I couldn't help think of the root of the phrase that has run through my head off and on, so I looked up, "meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless and was brought to Ecclesiastes written by Soloman. At first, I was thankful that someone else felt the same way I did and I was even more thankful when he said that the young don't worry about having meaning in life like those of us who have lived longer do. Something about having toiled for longer gives us less joy in it. As I continued reading there were points when Soloman's writing of the meaningless of life and the fact that those who can't find happiness are not blessed was a little disheartening, but I realized the point he was making was that we need to stop and look at what we have and be thankful, be happy. "Hello, be thankful," I heard him say.
As I read through the end of Ecclesiastes Paul's words from Philippians came to mind, "I have learned the secret of being content." My first thought was, "yea, even Paul struggled with discontentment and had to work on it." So I looked up this phrase to see what words of wisdom he had for this predicament. He started out by saying "Rejoice, I say again Rejoice...the Lord is near." I get you Paul, we need to be reminded to rejoice because we are focusing on the negative and feeling like things are meaninglesss. He continues to this wonderful reminder of contentment, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength," Philippians 4:13. God is working out our lives, working through our "toil" therefore it had meaning. He created us and therefore we have meaning.
So, as Soloman and Paul say, fear God, obey Him, rejoice in Him and be thankful, for crying out loud!
I love my runs after school, they help me sort through life with God. The funny thing I've noticed is that sometimes Satan likes the take that same time and tell me, "everything is meanless." I have been thankful for how the Spirit reminds me to that I have hope because of Jesus, or that whatever I do is for God, the God of meaning, but I today I couldn't help think of the root of the phrase that has run through my head off and on, so I looked up, "meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless and was brought to Ecclesiastes written by Soloman. At first, I was thankful that someone else felt the same way I did and I was even more thankful when he said that the young don't worry about having meaning in life like those of us who have lived longer do. Something about having toiled for longer gives us less joy in it. As I continued reading there were points when Soloman's writing of the meaningless of life and the fact that those who can't find happiness are not blessed was a little disheartening, but I realized the point he was making was that we need to stop and look at what we have and be thankful, be happy. "Hello, be thankful," I heard him say.
As I read through the end of Ecclesiastes Paul's words from Philippians came to mind, "I have learned the secret of being content." My first thought was, "yea, even Paul struggled with discontentment and had to work on it." So I looked up this phrase to see what words of wisdom he had for this predicament. He started out by saying "Rejoice, I say again Rejoice...the Lord is near." I get you Paul, we need to be reminded to rejoice because we are focusing on the negative and feeling like things are meaninglesss. He continues to this wonderful reminder of contentment, "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength," Philippians 4:13. God is working out our lives, working through our "toil" therefore it had meaning. He created us and therefore we have meaning.
So, as Soloman and Paul say, fear God, obey Him, rejoice in Him and be thankful, for crying out loud!
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