Choir Tour Essay - No Other God's

Think about the beginning of each day.  It starts when you wake up and you know it will end when you go to sleep.  Each day has a beginning and an ending.  Just like this tour.  Can you imagine if there were no start to the day and no end? 

God is described as the "Ancient of Days" which literally means "before there were days."  Can you imagine hanging out before there was a start to the day not worrying if the "day" would ever end? There was no sun to come up or go down, time wasn't a thing, neither was the sun for that matter.  I don't think God was worried about starting a new day or ending one.  He didn't need to feel like He had accomplished something by the end of the day.  He was God all the time, and that was enough

God was there before everything, He came up with the idea and made it happen and He will be there in the "end."  That is what it means when they say, "there is no other god but our God."  There is no competition.  How about today, you hang out with the God who came up with time.   


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