Choir Tour Devo - Look Up Child
Helen Rosenveare was a college student. Her friends asked her to join them at a prayer meeting. Since she had never heard of a prayer meeting, she was curious and went along. As the other students prayed she was amazed that they talked to God like they knew him. She was how anyone could know God and talk to him. Later when she was alone she decided to try talking to God. She asked God, "if you are real will you show me." Finishing her prayer she looked up and there on the wall was a poster that said, "Be still and know that I am God."
It's easy to walk around looking at the ground (especially with all the rocks in Kijabe). We look down at the things in our life and worry. God is asking us to look up at the possibilities. Think about it this way, what's on the ground? Dirt, rocks. What is up in the sky? the sunset, clouds. I think God made it that way so we will enjoy looking at the sky more often than down at the ground.
When we look at the ground we focus on what is in front of us. We see ourselves and what we have to accomplish. But, when we look up there are so many more possibilities and a God who is in control of them. We are not alone in it all when we look up.
Imagine going for a basket without looking up at the hoop. It's hard to aim for something you aren't looking at up at. As you go through the day I hope you will consider what you are aiming for. May you aim to see God and may He surprise you with the possibilities.
It's easy to walk around looking at the ground (especially with all the rocks in Kijabe). We look down at the things in our life and worry. God is asking us to look up at the possibilities. Think about it this way, what's on the ground? Dirt, rocks. What is up in the sky? the sunset, clouds. I think God made it that way so we will enjoy looking at the sky more often than down at the ground.
When we look at the ground we focus on what is in front of us. We see ourselves and what we have to accomplish. But, when we look up there are so many more possibilities and a God who is in control of them. We are not alone in it all when we look up.
Imagine going for a basket without looking up at the hoop. It's hard to aim for something you aren't looking at up at. As you go through the day I hope you will consider what you are aiming for. May you aim to see God and may He surprise you with the possibilities.
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