A Song for Thanksgiving

This week while listening to the biography of Bob Fu "God's Double Agent" I came across a song just in time for Thanksgiving.

But first, let me share a little background.  Bob Fu, became a Christan in China, but this was illegal.  He couldn't keep Jesus to himself so he started a printing press to print Bibles and Christian literature, but this too was illegal.  The government finally caught up with Fu and he was sent to jail.  While there, one day Bob started singing "Give thank, with a grateful heart..."  As he sang prisoners from cells all around him joined in.  Whether Christians themselves or just singing out of rebellion soon the whole prison was filled with the song.  The guards chastized Bob telling him he wasn't allowed to talk about illegal things with others in the prison to which Fu replied, I wasn't talking I was singing.

As I listened to the story the words of the song brought renewed meaning and I was excited to share the song with the Titchie students as we celebrated Thanksgiving during class this week.  May we all sing the words together as we "Give Thanks to the Holy One."



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