Multicultural Day - The Amazing Race at RVA
Our theme for the events of the day was "The Amazing Race." I love the show and it was so fun to see the activities the staff came up with to represent "The Race."
If you know anything about "The Amazing Race" you know you go through the challenges with a partner, so my partner for the day was Katie Majorins my neighbor and friend on campus. She and I started off by helping run a music station for the kids. They came through to listen to four pieces and match the sheet music to what they heard. So fun!
The staff also helped out as checkpoints throughout "The Race" pointing kids to their next stop
I loved seeing the kids work together, encourage, and motive each other to have fun.
I loved the food challenge as students tasted items from different countries
and guessed where they were from.
Another one of my favorite "Roadblocks" was Bable - like the tower in the Bible
The kids had to put numbers from different languages in order.
"Bible" was the other side of the "Road Block"
The kids had to put the books of the Bible in order.
It was fun to hear how some used the songs to remember
or how a 3rd grade figured out what was mixed up for one group.
Another "Road Block" represented Korea origami.
They slowed things down, heading to Australia to paint.
I loved watching the kids enjoy themselves as I hung out with Katie.
In the end, we all made it to the "Pit Stop" together.
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