Team of Praise

For a lot of reasons, I have rarely been a part of a praise team for Sunday morning worship.  So, when helping the Titchies lead worship once a term was part of my job here at RVA, I have found myself a little baffled at the task on many occasions.  By God's grace we have pulled together different students both young and old to present music before the congregation and point them to worship.
Yet, there have been a few times when I have hoped that it would be more polished, and so with the endeavor to present something that is worthy I have seen how God has given me some new ideas and helped me try a few things differently.  In it, God has shows how He likes to work in our weakness to show off His strength.  And so...

God has led me to have two of last year's 6th graders play piano for us.  Although they are still new to playing praise songs God has laid it on my heart to encourage their desire to grow.  So, with the knowledge that they are new to playing for church God has also encouraged me to spend extra time practicing with them.  Although it is sometimes tricky to find times together (our weakness) with the busy schedule here, I have seen how God has helped and will continue to help us get together (showing off how He can make time work when we worry that it won't).

One of the Titchies, who is also hoping for us to present something for others to really join in on, asked that we include a guitar.  With many of our guitar players having moved away from RVA I was worried about finding someone, but God knows the heart of this Titchie to want something special for Him, and so He put it on the heart of one of the adults on campus to join us.  It was wonderful to see how God had us run into each other so we could chat about the service.  Seeing his peace about it has also encouraged my heart reminding me that God is putting it all together in His strength.  In fact, I don't think this is even hard for Him. 

As the songs come together God is also pointing to ways to make it a worship service bringing to mind a verse to share with the congregation and other bits that will round out the service.  Finally, God has put it on my heart to join the students on stage this year.  In the past I have felt it was the kids opportunity to lead not mine, and therefore have been the strong encouragement from the front row, but God is encouraging me to lead alongside the kids.  My prayer is that I would worship God in every moment and not take the glory, just as I encourage the kids at every turn.  Lord, you are equipping, may we praise you every step of the way.


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