Moments, Connections and God's Hand

With a full weekend on the docket I wondered what God would reveal.  I was thankful to connect with different people in different moments and see God's work at hand.

On Saturday Morning our bus of kids headed down to the valley with a Kenyan gentleman I have come to know from his work on campus, but also because of his heart for the IPD people.  God has continued to show His work through Pastor John at the IPD church and I can't help going back to see what else God is doing.

While there I was so encouraged that the other pastors came to be part of the morning as the RVA students and I enjoyed spending time with the neighborhood kids for lots of fun.  I will never forget the words of one of the Pastors as I played "Red light, Green light" with the kids - "They are enjoying themselves."  I was struck by the heart of this pastor to care that the kids were having a good time and then to take the opportunity to encourage me in bringing it about.  A heart like that shows a care that only comes from God.

After an hour of games Pastor John gathered us together for a time of sharing songs and a snack.  As I lead the group in three songs I was so thankful that Pastor John also lead the kids in sharing some of the their favorite songs with us.  What followed was not planned.  God had me asked the kids what they were thankful for.  I loved the joy as Pastor John and the other Pastors rejoiced in hearing the hearts of the kids as they shared their thankfulness for who God is.  The fact that men would rejoice at the words of children sharing truth points to God's same character of love for children.  I am still blown away that grown men would value the words of kids.  As we rejoiced in thankfulness for God my words turned towards thankfulness for life in Jesus, a life that allows us to be forgiven, to come to Him with our troubles and to love others better.  What a sweet time of testimony for our Savior.  Thank you Lord for putting Your words in my mouth. 

After enjoying a snack we shared lovely goodbyes with the kids and the students headed to the bus. I had the opportunity to ask Pastor John more about their hopes for the church and the community.  It was so exciting to hear the dreams and prayers of the church to grow their property for the sake of the community.  Pastor John shared a desire to have a good fence to keep our the goats and a stronger gate for safety for the many children who come after school.  Then, he talked about their hopes for a way to collect water so they can grow trees in order to provide shade for gatherings.  Additionally, they pray for more desks and chairs for the after school program.  I was impacted by the prayers of this church and their vision and dream for the community to grow.

Just before taking this picture one of the men of the church shooed a goat back through the bushes off the property.  Pray with the church for a better fence.

Pastor John, Pastor Peter and I prayed over the spot where they hope to see water collected so they can clean the church each week and grow trees for shade.  Pray with us.

As we drove home I was even more impacted as Pastor John shared how God has called him to give generously to help with school fees and towards the food program for the kids at the church.  The amount of money Pastor John gives made me check my priorities.  You will never be sad when you use your money for God's purposes and I can only imagine God will readily provide money for us to give when we make His kingdom our priority.

Looking back on the time at the IDP church I was initially worried that our irregular visit would be small in comparison to the every day life of the kids, but God showed me that when He is in it time together can be full.
Check out the next post for more moments, connections and pictures of God's hand at work....



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