Moments, Connections, and God's Hand, Part 2
After three practices with the Titchies I had one gal who was late the first two practices and planned to not even come for the third practice wanting to drop out. After tracking her down and telling her know that her actions and attitude were hurtful I expected to get more attitude. As I prayed about how to approach her to smooth things over I was completely amazed when she came to the next practice with the opposite attitude.

Not only was she on board, she began using moments to encourage others about the songs we were singing. She exclaimed, "I love this song, it's a good song."
To go from wanting to drop-out to encouraging others about the purpose of our task I knew God was involved, because only He could change someone's attitude and then use them so purposely.
Thank you Lord, for how you work in our lives for your glory and for your people.
The next day...
I found myself waiting for the 8th grade class sponsors in order to start our planning meeting. As we waited I got to know one of the other class sponsors who lives with her husband on lower station. She shared that God has used her to start a missionary training program at the hospital where her husband works. Just as I was amazed that God was using Pastor John is such a large way to impact the community of IDP, I was amazed that God was using this lady to start a missionary training program at the hospital. As much as these people are impressive I am so much more impressed with a God who works in people to accomplish His plan.
Each story of the weekend points to God's work in people, moments when I get to hear what He is up to and the opportunity to connect with His people so I can hear about Him.
With that I was so thankful to be one of those people when God sent a harpist to my office this week. With the desire to be used to bless people with harp music I was thankful to be an instrument in setting her up to play for the prelude at RVA on Sunday morning. God wanted to bless people through a violin and harp duet, played for Him and I am thankful He let me be a part of the details.

Not only was she on board, she began using moments to encourage others about the songs we were singing. She exclaimed, "I love this song, it's a good song."
To go from wanting to drop-out to encouraging others about the purpose of our task I knew God was involved, because only He could change someone's attitude and then use them so purposely.
Thank you Lord, for how you work in our lives for your glory and for your people.
The next day...
I found myself waiting for the 8th grade class sponsors in order to start our planning meeting. As we waited I got to know one of the other class sponsors who lives with her husband on lower station. She shared that God has used her to start a missionary training program at the hospital where her husband works. Just as I was amazed that God was using Pastor John is such a large way to impact the community of IDP, I was amazed that God was using this lady to start a missionary training program at the hospital. As much as these people are impressive I am so much more impressed with a God who works in people to accomplish His plan.
Each story of the weekend points to God's work in people, moments when I get to hear what He is up to and the opportunity to connect with His people so I can hear about Him.
With that I was so thankful to be one of those people when God sent a harpist to my office this week. With the desire to be used to bless people with harp music I was thankful to be an instrument in setting her up to play for the prelude at RVA on Sunday morning. God wanted to bless people through a violin and harp duet, played for Him and I am thankful He let me be a part of the details.
Thankful too for the tech team who serve only for God.
When God is at work it's wonderful to get to see it, to praise Him for His faithfulness.
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