Prayers for the New School Year
Lord, I pray for the High School Choir. I thank you for the group you are putting together. I pray that as we grow the musical abilities you have given you we would praise you for who you are, trust in you, dedicate ourselves to you, and proclaim who you are through our lives and music.
I pray for the elementary music, I pray we would know your love and therefore love those around us. I pray we would enjoy music together.
Lord, I pray for the 5th and 6th graders, I thank you for the opportunity we have to lead in worship this year. I pray we would learn to glorify you and point others to do the same.
I pray for the elementary music, I pray we would know your love and therefore love those around us. I pray we would enjoy music together.
Lord, I pray for the 5th and 6th graders, I thank you for the opportunity we have to lead in worship this year. I pray we would learn to glorify you and point others to do the same.
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