7 of My Favorite Parts of My Trip to the Masai Mara
1. "Wilfred's Game Drive" - As we neared the Farimounte (our resort for the weekend) our driver announced that we should keep our eyes open because we would start to see animals. He was just as excited as we were to point them out and slow down to watch them.
2. The Sunset - on our first "game drive" the sky was astonishing. The red that wiped across the shy was so vivid.

4. What was that? - After dinner I was alone in our "tent" and I suddenly heard a loud bird call, in the tree above, followed by an even louder monkey scream. It was so shockingly loud that I had to laugh. Five minutes later it happened again. After the third time I thought I should call the front desk to see if there was anyway to get the monkey to move so that we could sleep at time without hearing its screams. Thankfully, they sent a guard!

6. God Made That - There were two things about the animals that left an impression, their size was the first. The rhinos were much bigger than I expected and the lion was smaller. I think the lion may have still been a young adult.

The second thing that always sticks with me is that God could make spots and stripes on animals with such vivid colors. Its amazing that an all drown buck could have two dark "bracelets" around its legs or that a leopard would always be born with spots all over it's body. How did God do that? I realized I also love when the animals run and the babies are pretty cute too.

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