"Reckless Love" - Choir Devos
When I ended last week's choir devotional I asked the kids to think about two questions.
Do you know God's real love?
Are you living in God's real love?
This week's song is, "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury. I love that it starts out pointing to Zephaniah 3:17c saying, "[You] rejoice over me with singing." If you remember these words are on my office door in the music building. God's love is musical. He uses music too and one of the ways He uses music is to sing over us.
Often we think of worship as our praise of God through music, but Scripture says, God sings too and He sings over us. Pretty cool.
There needs to be a point in life when we all understand God's reckless love for us. If we don't experience that kind of love from Him our faith is shaken during the hard times. Plus, living in the knowledge of that kind of love from the God of the universe is awesome.
I remember a point in my life when God's complete love hit me in a new way. I had just started a new job working for my church's high school ministry. I remember God whispering to me that His love would always be enough. I will never forget the peace that came from the knowledge that God's love is the best and it's more than enough for me. I can only pray that my students will know that same kind of love from God.
Do you know God's real love?
Are you living in God's real love?
Often we think of worship as our praise of God through music, but Scripture says, God sings too and He sings over us. Pretty cool.
There needs to be a point in life when we all understand God's reckless love for us. If we don't experience that kind of love from Him our faith is shaken during the hard times. Plus, living in the knowledge of that kind of love from the God of the universe is awesome.
I remember a point in my life when God's complete love hit me in a new way. I had just started a new job working for my church's high school ministry. I remember God whispering to me that His love would always be enough. I will never forget the peace that came from the knowledge that God's love is the best and it's more than enough for me. I can only pray that my students will know that same kind of love from God.
Well said! The words in that song, the “wreckless love” of God makes me think of the ultimate extent to which God went to show us His love: He sent His only Son to earth to die for our sins, be buried & resurrected on the third day so that those of us who believe can have our sins washed away and have eternal life w/Him! That is wildly outlandish! But that is exactly what He has done! It is finished!💕