The Lord is Near

I am trying to be positive this morning, but I'm having a hard time pulling it off.  Consider this my attempt at following the example of David when he wrote a psalm.

Without a regular job during our school's month off sometimes it can be hard to decide what to do each day.  I often like to include one fun thing and one school project to keep me busy.  It has been particularly hard without my friends around (they are all traveling at the moments) because I miss those daily interactions.  This morning I found myself in a pity-party.

I was cold because of the season we are in and so I wanted to be mad at the fact that we don't have central heating here.  Instead I made a fire from the wood that my house worker so graciously collected from the scraps at the maintenance shed.

I wanted a bath and didn't quite have enough hot water to enjoy it.  Therefore, I wanted to be mad because there wasn't enough sun yesterday to warm up my small roof tank, but instead I tried to be thankful for the men who came to give me a new tank when my old one was leaking and for the the fact that I can switch to electric next time so I can have a warm bath. 

I wanted to be mad at the fact that I can't just go shopping whenever I want because it cost $50 to hire a driver for the 1.5 hour journey into town, and the fact that when I go I never have enough time to get everything I want to get.  But, instead I was thankful for the drivers who I would consider friends and for the conversations and encouraging times we always have in the car together. 

I was sad that I haven't been able to get a needed message on my shoulders but found God's care when I talked to a friend who loaned me their electric, handheld message machine. 

It was easy to get frustrated that I was working on organizing the music rooms when no everyone else seemed to be enjoying trips to the Coast, but God showed me the loving Kenyan staff who also help clean and take care of the music buildings.  I am not the only one cleaning. 

Sometimes its easy to wish things were different, to look at things negatively and stay in that, but God is faithful and He won't let me sit in my funk.  He always reminds me of what I can be thankful for. 

Thank you God for the half hour of sun yesterday in which I could sit and read with the warm on my face.  Thank you for the running club and the fun we had running in the rain.  Help me to focus on You each day. 


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