It's a Miracle

Very rarely in life can one point to an actual miracle in life, but I think the following truly is.  It's another example of something only God could have done.

If you remember I asked for prayer for the accompaniment track to make it to the house of one of the missionaries in the States for short visit.  After trying for over a month to order the track from the States to get it shipped to someone who could carry it out here I found out that my window was only two weeks and the estimated time was 4 weeks for printing and shipping.

What's even more amazing is that for days after I ordered the CD the payment was sitting in my account as pending.  Then amazingly I got a message from my mom saying the CD was at their house.  Why? I have no idea.  I was so confused why it went to my parents house rather than being shipped to the house of the missionary in the States for a few weeks. 

I quickly asked my mom to ship it to the Missionary.  What's funny is, my parents included in a card too.  When I checked my account again to see if the payment had gone through nothing was there.  I can't prove anything, but I imagine that someone at the Christian company just paid for it because they knew of my tight time frame and my use of the CD out here. 

Yesterday I went to my school drop box and there it was along with a birthday card from my family.  God is so good.  He knew that the CD would have time to get to my parents and then to the missionary and that if the CD went by way of my parents they could write me a card too.  I can hardly believe how good and loving my God is. 



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