I can't do it alone

Living at a boarding school I am often asked the question, "are you here next year."  Having taught at Rift Valley Academy for 1.5 years I often ask myself that question too.  "Does God want me here next year?"  After much prayer, seeking the council of my RVA bosses, Africa Inland Mission (my sending agency), and Wheaton Bible Church (my home church), I believe God is leading me to teach here at Rift Valley Academy again next year.

I can't do it alone:
I am thankful for those I work with; I have come to learn that community is essential to serving the students here.  As a single I have seen God take care of me by giving me good friends who will include me for meals.  I have also been blessed to have an amazing back in the States family who support me in staying next year.  I have also been blessed by you as my supporters.  Your prayers, encouragement, and support are so important to me.

What does this decision mean? 
Practically, it is important to hear from you.  Are you willing to continue supporting me for another year?  If so, you can Facebook message me.

Looking ahead by looking back:
Last July, I found out that I have nodules on my thyroid during a routine doctor's visit in the States.  What was suppose to be a chance to catch up with people turned into one doctor's appointment after another.  I was thankful to learn that I do not have cancer, but this decision also cost a lot of money.  I am currently paying off my bill month by month.  Cancer is a hard word to hear and so I didn't share it with many others.  Thankfully, my doctor was not worried after a "clean bill of health," and suggested that I get the nodules checked every year.  After seeing the bill my family decided that I should have the nodules checked by the competent missionary doctors here next time.  It will be much cheaper under my insurance.  If you feel led to help in a small way with my current bill of $1250 please let me know through Facebook messenger.  

Come July, I will need to move because the family, whose house I am borrowing, will be returning from the States.  Thankfully this time, I will only be moving next door, but the move will also require furniture.  The last two years God provided borrowed furniture.  Please pray with me as I seek God's answer on what to do about furniture for next year.

Finally, I have been asked to be in a wedding this coming July.  It is my hope to catch up with some of you in person during the time in the States.  I am also looking forward to holding my niece and new nephews.  Please pray for travel plans.  

I recently read Philippians 2:13 which says, "It is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose."  I am so glad God has a good purpose and that He will accomplish through me.  May I continue to be His instrument.

News from Term 2:
It's been wonderful to include Elementary Chapels once a week on Wednesdays. 
Choir tour was a great opportunity to share the message of Jesus around Kenya while worship God with other believers through music.
We have begun practices for both the High School Musical and the Elementary Musicals which will be performed next term.  

What's the Rift? 
Please pray for the high school choir as we work to pick songs for next term.
Pray for technology, we seem to be having extra trouble with computers crashing lately.
Pray for the whomever God has for the instrumental music next year as we will be working closely together for the kids. 
Pray for the kids as they spend times with their families serving all over Africa during this term break.
Pray for me to get some much needed rest while still working on some important school projects. 
Pray for my dear friends who will be leaving RVA in mid-April to go serve in N.A.

Much love, prayer and thanks, Bethany Morris


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