Choir Devo - Alma Mater

We have started working on the "RVA Alma Mater" song in choir.  For the underclass man who are new to the school we are focusing on the words first.  When you look up the words "alma mater" it means a "the school you formerly attended."  It struck me as a little strange that we are singing to our "RVA Alma Mater" while still going to the school, but since the song is meant for the graduation ceremony to be sung by all in attendance it makes a little more sense.

That being said, the words are:
Hail to thee, our Alma mater. Let our praises all unite.
Rift Valley Academy, Hail, all hail the Red and White.
May the blessing of the Father rest upon thee R.V.A.
Making all Thy sons and daughters pure and true and strong always.
Loyal to our school of learning, standing for God's perfect way. 
May the love of Christ our Savior guide our footsteps day by day.
Hail, all hail thee Alma mater, looking for a coming King.
Lifting high the Christian standard. 
Hail, all hail Thy praises ring.

I love that we are at a school that focuses on God. Just like any other school this song was written for RVA. In this case it uses the melody of one of Beethoven's songs.

I love the way the lyricist starts off with the promises of Genesis that remind us of God's blessings for His people and everyone else through His people.  My favorite line says, "May the love of Christ our Savior guide our footsteps day by day."  Then the next line is so hopeful as it points to our home in heaven. 

As the song finishes we point back to God singing his praises, as it should be.  Amen


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