A Few Good Men - Choir Tour Devo

Among our 10 tour songs are two "gender songs."  The boys are doing the song, "A Few Good Men," which was picked by one of the senior boys.  You may know the movie, but this song is different.  As you can imagine, the title is repeated several times throughout the song.

I have let the "genders" take charge of each of their songs with the section leaders doing their parts.  Although I've checked in with the sections and given a few suggestion, I've basically let them figure it out.  With two and a half weeks till tour I decided to have the groups sing for me today.  I was impressed with how far they have gotten on their own, but the thing that made me sad was the interpersonal relationships of the section leaders.  Truth be told, the boys were verbally abusive to each other today.

At one point I had to call them out and ask them to be nice to each other.  As I listened I just about said, "You are singing the words 'a few good men' and you are being the opposite."  If the girls hadn't come in for the end of class I would have gotten there.

In the end we need more prayer.  Please pray for my section leaders.  They are falling pray to the very thing that I struggle with.  My pride gets in the way because I think my abilities are better than those around me.  Pray for our choir as we work to be the body rather than a bunch of floating heads.

The rest of the story...
After praying fervently, and talking to my parents, God lead a meeting with the senior who was the main culprit.  He was able to see how his words towards others were affecting his leadership. 

Today was a wonderful day in choir as the kids tried out for solos.  I was able to sit back and watch as they encouraged each other, supported one another, and lifted one another up.  After the hard day yesterday it was amazing to see God work everything out in his children, for their good and His glory. 


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