5 Thoughts from 2200Meters

I'm pretty tired after three days of performances at the end of the year.  My brain is pretty done, but I still want to put down a few thoughts that are roaming around in there.  They may not be in order, but here it goes...

1.  Quarter notes
At our final concert one of the students shared a lesson from the band director saying, "Mr. Taylor said that he didn't come in Africa to teach quarter notes."
This statement gave me pause - as a music teacher, I get excited when students can make music because they understand the foundation of music - quarter notes.  But, I would be remiss if this was my only aim.  This term I posted the following saying on the choir bulletin board in the music building, "Where is He?" I am amazed at how quickly music can touch someone's lift. I have a great opportunity to point the kids towards Christ through music, helping them due the same for others.

2. Talent
My second aim is to give the students as many opportunities to use their gift of music as possible. This goal encompasses many parts.  First, it implies the giftedness of the kids.  They need to recognize that God has gifted them in music.  Secondly, their gift can help give them confidence in who they are.  They have a talent, an ability that can remind them of their value in the body.  Further, this gift encourages confidence.  Knowing they have the ability to make music lends towards building confidence.  Then, giving them as many opportunities to perform as possible helps them to gain confidence being in front of others and sharing an important message.  These are important qualities for life - to know your value and to gain confidence in sharing their message in front of others.

3. Leaders
Another goal for music is to build leaders.  This goes along with my previous aim as I work to give the students opportunities to perform, but I don't just want to direct them as they sing, I want them to learn to lead others too.  This past year I worked to give the choir students the opportunity to lead their section, conducting, singing solos, sharing their testimonies and thoughts about different songs, arranging their only pieces and accompanying.  The 5th and 6th graders learned to lead on their own as the praise team for Titchie Sunday. I have done my best to lead by example with weekly musical devotionals, but I hope this coming year to focus on Christ in the music we will sing not just Christ in music in general, giving the students the foundation of leadership and pushing them to lead on their own.

4. Relationships
As a choir student I have sat through a lot of graduation ceremonies, not to mention those of my sisters as well, but as I sat in the 6th grade graduation and the senior's graduation here at RVA there was something different about how the speakers started.  In both cases memories of times with the students were shared.  Each of the grad. speakers shared personal experiences with each class.  These stories point to the unique environment we have here at RVA.   As the superintendent closed our last chapel of the year he summed it up by saying, "how often do you live next to your teacher."  With this in mind my relational goal for next year is to have more students over to my house.  I'm excited to have a weekly sign-up for dinners with choir members.  With 40 students in class there were times I felt like it was hard to hear how each was doing, I really hope these dinners to help me show the kids how much I care about what's going on with them.

5. New
As is true of life, next year will be new.  Not only am I moving to a new house by I will have a new schedule to get use to.  Bigger than that though, there will be a new Band Director.  It has been amazing having another music director to work with.  In the past I have been the only music person at a school.  I have enjoyed learning from someone else and having someone to work alongside.  Next year, I will be the one helping the new director.  Pray for him as he gets settled in here in a month and for the year ahead as we collaborate for the sake of the students.  


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