The Voice

This year's Choir auditions has been a lot of things.  It has been hard to see students from this year's choir decide they didn't want or couldn't be in choir next year due to personal choice or scheduling conflicts. It has been hard to realize that the choir will change, but it has also been a joy to see the excitement of the new students trying out for next year's choir.  I have enjoyed champion the new auditionies as they fearfully put their voices out there.  It has also been wonderful to see God work to put together the group He has in mind.  Here are a few stories of just that...

Lunch Line Encounter:
I have started to realize that the High School Lunch Line has food that the Titchie line doesn't serve. This thought sent me to the High School side for broccoli, bacon salad one Tuesday.  It's funny to think that my desire for bacon could be used for the sake of a student, but that's just what God had in mind when He put a junior girl behind me.  While we waited with our trays it gave her the opportunity to ask about choir auditions.  Not knowing where to find the sign-up sheet God took care of her by putting us together so she could talk to me personally.  It's amazing to see how God cares for His children.

Mistaken identity:
The Friday of auditions a student came to me asking for an audition later the following week since his family was in town over the weekend.  When the Wednesday of the audition came and I saw him headed away from the music building I ran after him.  He asked me how auditions would go and then explained that after some thought decided not to audition after all.
About half-an-hour later a few of my students said there was a boy looking for me, but it was not the name I had written down for the day.  Finally finding the gentleman I had talked to only 30 minutes earlier I was surprised to learn the boy in front of me was NOT the boy I had talked to the previous Friday, even though they looked very similar.  As I started the interviewed I realized that God sent me running after this student because he was suppose to be in choir.  If it wasn't for a mistaken identity the boy before me would never have auditioned.  It was then I reminded that God was putting together the choir He had planned.

That was alarming:
While conducting auditions the previous week the school alarm went off.  We all hurried to our "hiding spots" for 5 minutes until the all clear bell rang.  With only 5 minutes between bells we quickly realized that the bell was an accident, so we went back to our auditions.  My next student did not do well during her audition, and it really stuck with me knowing the abilities of her siblings.  Two days later I decided to call her back in for a second audition.  Before we even had the door closed she explained that the alarm really threw her off and she had a hard time focusing during her first audition.  I was amazed that God prompted me to invite her back - He knew the whole story.

When I started auditions it seemed this year's choir of 40 would shrink to 20 for next year.  It was easily to wonder what I might be doing wrong that the choir would be cut in half, but after the divine encounters it is clear God has been working out the choir He wants.  It is humbling to be part of a group put together so carefully.


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