
Reaches of the Rift:

Did you know that the Rift Valley, the very Rift for which our school is named for, is connected all the way to Jerusalem.   In Kenya we are physically connected to the story of the Bible through the Rift.  What an amazing reach.  

What a work force:

As the  students went on break and headed home to their families all over Africa, I was struck again by the reaches of Rift Valley Academy.  500+ students went home to 30 different countries where their families are working to reach people for Christ.   What an amazing work force.  There is hope for kingdom growth and Rift Valley Academy is part of that.  We are not just a school educating students with a Christian worldview, we are a part of the big picture and part of the harvest as RVA gives support to the parents, the very workers in the field, through their children.    

What an opportunity:

As you support me you are supporting RVA, my specific 180 students, their 134 families, and the 88 people groups around Africa for the Gospel.  What an amazing opportunity.   Further you are supporting the staff  at RVA as we all encourage the 500+ students of RVA in their faith.  Many students testify that they have made their faith their own because of how they have been challenged and encouraged at RVA. What a testimony.  

RVA has asked me to stay a second year as the second music director heads to the States for furlough.  This opportunity allows me to encourage the interim music teacher and come alongside him for the year, but more than that, it gives stability for the music students.  

What a plan:

It has been wonderful to partner with you these past two years in watching God work His plan for Toliara and Belitsiky, which now has a pastor, and now RVA.  I knew when God brought me to RVA He had the bigger picture in mind, and I hope you will continue to be part of that plan for RVA and for the impact it has for the Kingdom.  

In order to continue on at Rift Valley through July 2018, I need to be fully supported. Please email me at miss.bcmorris@gmail.com to let me know whether or not you will be able to continue supporting me for this additional year. Please also join me in praying for God’s provision.

Bethany Morris

As of now, I have heard back from about a 1/4 of you letting me know you are on board.


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