Kenyan Doctor's Strike

It has been more than 80 days, more than 2 months or since December, however you look at it since the Kenyan Doctors went one strike.  Can you imagine having no where to go for a doctor or having to pay yourself for any needed care.  Even emergency cases can't all be seen, which leads to many deaths that could have otherwise been prevented.

The whole situation is bleak.  As I think about the many people in need of health care I wonder how the government and doctors can go on in this stale mate.  Then, I think about all the people who have nowhere to go and it makes me so sad.

Even as I wonder why God has not brought an end to the strike I know that He is still working even in this horrible situation.  I know He sees the big picture and is working out His plan.  I can only imagine that He too is saddened by the wrong He sees, but yet is working it all out for good.  Even as I try to hold on to trust I wonder why God has not put an end to the hardship brought upon the Kenyans for lack of working Doctors.  Trust is hard sometimes.

Similarly, there has not been enough rain.  Many of the people outside of the city have little water for everyday life, let alone for their crops and animals.  I imagine that God wants people to turn to Him for help, to call out to Him.  That is exactly what we have been doing as a school.  Praying for the strike to come and for the rain to fall.  We have seen some rain here in Kijabe, and we can only trust that the rain is falling for those in need.  Now, we wait for the end of the strike.

Since writing these words one of our chapel speakers shared on trust.  He said that trust leads to hope. My hope right now is that God is using the hardship to draw people to himself and they need a little more time.  I can only hope that this time of struggle would lead to more believers.  Amen


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