Sushi Night

I've eaten sushi before, but I didn't realize I had never made one myself until last night.  I was invited to a girl's sushi night on campus and enjoyed watching and then attempting to make sushi.  I had never thought about what went into making the sushi, and now that I know, I have to share.

Start with seaweed paper
 Lay it on a bamboo mat
 Using water to keep your fingers from sticking as you add rice
 Make sure to leave one end free for later
 Add the filling of your choice
  The fillings line up opposite the side you left free
 Use the bamboo mat to roll the sushi, 
securring the free end with a bit of water. 
Using a surrated knife, cut in 1 cm sections.
Serve with soy and ginger. So good!
It's fun to continue to learn new things.


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