News from Belitsiky

Kara writes, "[If you remember, a few weeks back] the main group of believers were having their big argument over stupid little things [like jealousy, but they] have come together again and sorted things out.
(left) This is what the huts in Belitsiky are looking like these days with the kids using our Bible story pictures to wallpaper their huts.
We showed the movie "The Passion" for cinema night on Saturday (it was good because it was slightly tones down and some of the more full on graphic bits had been edited) then did the story of Jesus' arrest and trial. It was very real for all of us after seeing the movie and we shared the Lord's supper afterwards, with the new pastor leading us through it.
The new pastor and his wife and small baby have built a hut next to the [our] house [church] and move in on the weekends. He seems like a really good guy and knows his Bible and has a heart for the people. They will need lots of prayer covering.
It is perfect timing for all this to happen and the house will continue to be used by the church to worship in several times a week. They have also started a women's and men's group of believers who come together to pray and study and support each other.
[Unfortunately], the other night at about 1am after the guards went off duty at midnight, someone threw lots of charms all over Solotena's (the president's) house. They don't want him to be a Christian. He is under a lot of pressure in a few different areas, so pray he stays strong and God's grace would be evident to all [that are] around him. Pete prayed with them on the weekend and prayed for the people who did this to come to know Jesus.
Thanks for sharing. Nice to hear they have worked out some of their issues. Interesting that people threw charms. They will find they do not work. Praying for the president's safety & for those who did it to come to know Jesus! Obviously they recognize something about the president is different :) also will pray for pastor & family & men's & women's groups. Blessings, Bethany💕