
In my prayers this past week, four topics have stuck in my mind.

I often find myself praying for the students who don't feel like they fit in yet.  I remember feeling that way in high school, not knowing who my friends were or where I fit in.  As I have gotten older I know it's because I tend towards being an introvert and do well on my own but, I emphathize with the kids who feel unsure of who to sit with, or where they should hang out.  So, I pray for God's presence to be real with those kids, that they would know that they are loved and that they are not alone.  I pray that God would show they how to move forward in His confidence. 

Secondly, I pray for my house helper (Elizabeth) and her family.  I appreciate that when she shares with me it's not because she is expecting something from me, I can tell she is just talking about her life.  She has shared a few struggles that bring me to God.  One of her sisters is mentally challenged. Currently, her second sister has come to live with Elizabeth and her husband to help take care of this sister. They are looking for a home with better help for their sister, but are not finding many places for adults with special needs.  Elizabeth has expressed hope that God will work it out, but it is on my heart to pray for both their family and others who are in a similar situation.  

Elizabeth's second challenge is her 1 year old son.  As I write I am again reminded of Elizabeths' hope and lack of worry for her son, but I know his health has been a weight for the family recently. Last week he got the measles, then over the weekend he had a sever ear infection.  Thankfully, they have been able to take him to the hospital in each case, but I know the visits and medicine are expensive.  On top of all this, he has been struggling with ageism and itchy sores.  I appreciated Elizabeth's remark that "children don't lie [when it comes to how they feel]."  She explained that although her son has been sick he is still playing and running around.  Therefore, it is my pray for them to figure out what is making him itch and for him to regain health.  

My third prayer is for those who don't know Jesus yet.  Whether this is a specific person God brings to mind, the people of Toliara and specifically Belitsiky, or for the unreached in general, there are times when my sadness for their lost position just weighs on me; and so, I pray for the Holy Spirit to move for their sake.

Finally, I pray for those struggling financially.  I found myself chatting with Ruth yesterday, a former native, RVA nurse, who is now retired and running a little dry goods shop down the hill from RVA.  God has allowed me to make friends with her in a small way.  Having only retired 6 months ago she is finding her new job as a shop clerk very challenging.  Besides trying to make new friends in her new community she often has people come into her shop who are hungry.  Many promise to pay her back for a little food, but the reality is, they may not ever have enough money to do so.  Ruth explained that she often people are paying rent for both themselves and their families in a different area; and similarly splitting their pay checks to the point that there is not enough to live on. As a shop owner Ruth struggles with trying to keep her business open, but hurting for those in need.  As she shared, I empathized with her heart for those in need, and my heart stirred for answer to the question I have been asking myself for months.  How can we help appropriately?  As we talked I was comforted that God tells us to ask Him for wisdom, promising that He will give it. 

As I ended my conversation with Ruth I was reminded of the verse in Gal. 6:2 (below).  Isn't it just like God to also give it to me today as I read the Biblegateway verse of the day.  Similarly, I hope you will share in the burdens  I have mentioned, bringing them to God.

Image result for carry each other's burden


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