God is doing amazing things - Belitsiky Update

A year ago there was no church in Belitsiky, the pastor had left because only the president was coming. The villagers used the witch doctor and worshiped ancessors. But now, Kara writes...

The village is so keen to obey the lessons they learn through the [Bible] stories.  We finished the OT set and now [we're] onto Jesus.  They are learning to trust Jesus, to resist temptation, to tithe, [about] baptism, [and that] salvation [is] only through Jesus not just coming to church or through baptism. This week is about being born again.

[The people] share the stories with others who don't come along on the Sunday afternoons, plus [they] cordinate all the church services between the Baptists and the Luthern [churches] who come [out to the village] .  They [now] run youth outreach events after Wednesday afternoon church services and all the Lutheran crew stay over and sleep in the house.  [Everyone] keeps wanting to watch the Jesus film [on Friday Film Nights] and can recite it word for word. [What] a great way to learn [about Jesus].

Sunday church service in the house Pete built in the village

Praise God for what He is doing in the people of Belitsiky; and pray for decissions for salvation through Jesus alone as this week, they think through what it means to be born again.


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