Toliara Update: Belistiky

I heard from my leaders in Toliara and wanted to update you on God's work there. She writes...
Last weekend in the village was awesome. It is so full on being there with constant work, but all worth it. We showed the first half of the Moses story for cinema night. Those who we had already told the story to were telling others what each part of the movie was (it was in English). We re-told the Passover story and crossing the Red Sea to the children (to make sure they got it) and did it with the adult group. About 60 kids are coming to hear the story and colour in the pictures. They understood for the first time what the original Passover was and why Jesus was celebrating and that God was preparing people for why they needed Jesus. (At least the adults did and some of the older kids. Never quite sure what the littles think!) Several of the women came and sat around and chatted on Sunday morning and it was a great time of connecting - while I had endless hands pushed in front of me to paint kids nails with red nail polish.
There is a Lutheran evangelist who has been coming to preach in the village on Wednesday afternoons. Pete said this week lots of people came and the guy preached a really really great sermon and lots of people responded to his alter call. Time will tell if they were serious. Even the guy who is known as the village drunk, Romeh, has been coming along to both the Wednesday and Friday services. We have prayed lots for him! Keep praying for these villagers!!
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