Prayers from Mayfield: Toliara Fishing Villages' Edition

I got an update from my leaders in Toliara and wanted to share with you all so that we can continue to pray for the people of the fishing villages of Belitsiky and Ankalika. 

She writes…”Good, going along slowly but surely. The keen ones are really keen!! George came to church for the second time last week. He's still very resistant to going against the ancestors. Francois and his wife Kakane are super keen [to learn the stories] - especially Francois because he can't read or write. Solotena worries that Jesus won't accept him because he already turned away from him before. Pete was able to talk about assurance of salvation and repentance and how Jesus sees him. He's been listening a lot to the audio bible and [is] always full of questions. 

This week for movie night we are showing the story of Ruth so pray for the few hundred who will watch that.

Pete showed [the] Jesus movie in Ankalika on Monday night. A few hundred people, but they all left before the call to faith at the end. [Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to call them].

Truly God is amazing and it is like it just happens before our eyes. So much to be praising Him for!



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