Prayers from Mayfield - Burundi Edition
I have now had meals with two Christians and citizens of Burundi here at Mayfield, and they both said things are bad, since the
coup a year ago.
Her next words were the most encouraging
thing anyone could say in the midst of what she describes as torture – “I know
God is there.” She went on to explain
that as they pray she sees God’s hand of encouragement. She continued her story by explaining that
one of the two men kidnapped from her organization escaped and returned to tell
the tale of God’s work. “People just don’t escape,” she said. It was only because
God wanted to encourage us that He is still working and to remind us to
continue to pray, she explained.
The best way I can
describe it is to say, it’s like the real life movie “The Last King of Scotland.” The Burundi president refused to step down after his appointed two-terms and has since been fighting for a unconstitutional, third-term.

The capital city of Burundi above
As a result the people of Burundi suffer. More than a quarter of a million people have fled in terror.
The gal I ate lunch with this week said two people from her organization were kidnapped recently as the “former government” attempts to maintain control.
The gal I ate lunch with this week said two people from her organization were kidnapped recently as the “former government” attempts to maintain control.
And so, I ask you to pray too, with the believers in Burundi. Pray that they will hold on to
the hope that they have in our great God.
Pray that during this time of great persecution the church would bind
together in Christ and His great love.
Pray for the strength they need, the strength that can only come from
God during this time of great trial.
Pray that the people can share with one another even in the hurt and
find healing in our great, great God.
Until next time,
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