I'm fully funded. A few months back God reminded me that He has been faithful in the past in answering my specific prayers for funding and that I could rest and trust Him. I knew I had a buffer for my July 2 deadline, but I was really hoping, as the days got closer, to have my funds in before then. God not only brought in the support before the deadline - it is now overflowing. Isn't that so like Him? May I remember His faithfulness as I do ministry in Madagascar.
Alisa is now a Rachan. It was great to be in the area for the wedding prep and to be able to work together with my family to make Alisa and John's wedding a beautiful celebration. The wedding was a worship service to God as they declared their love for Him and for each other. My dad reminded us all that our aim is to live lives of abandon to each other and to God.
I had the privilege of being included in Sunday's insert along with 20 other Millennial missionaries support by Wheaton Bible Church (WBC). As I head out in August, I will become the newest twenty-something missionary with WBC. I was able to hang out with a few other missionaries in our Global Outreach Center. It was a blessing to meet others who have a heart for missions and who are either on the field currently or have been in the past. What a great family to be a part of.
Prayer Requests:
Praise: I was able to pay off my student loans before leaving. What a wonderful blessing to see God's provision in this desire of my heart.
I had the opportunity to meet my language helper (left). Pray that we are able to find time to work together well. Pray for me as I am concerned about finding time to get my lessons done and to also rest before leaving.
Pray that I would be able to enjoy the summer in the States before leaving, and that I will not feel rushed or try to accomplish too many things.
Continue to pray for just the right family for me to live with for the next two years and that God would prepare friendships. Pray for wisdom for the team as they encounter deep hurt in the people of the community - especially as they open up about unfaithful relationships and witchcraft. Pray that the people would be open to the love of Christ and life in Him.
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