This month my parents and I traveled to Muskegon, MI and the church where my mom grew, up so that I could share with the congregation. It was a wonderful time of visiting with old friends and sharing my heart for missions and God's faithfulness in the process.
My Scarf Sale and fundraiser was a success. Hosted by one of my core group girl's moms and a friend, the sale was a chance to catch up with friends I don't see often and for the ladies to shop for a great scarf. It was a lot of fun.
Click here to pick your ow.n scarf at support the Mission.
My youngest sister has now had two bridal showers. It has been a joy to see her have such a good time opening presents and to spend time with the bridesmaids as we banter around our tables.
Language learning has been a lot of fun as I meet with a friend to practice speaking in Malagasy. Although there is a lot I don't know, I have been encouraged by how much I am already learning.
AIM requires a full medical evaluation before travel. After many important tests it was determined that I am healthy and ready for travel.
I enjoyed presenting before the WBC Mission's Board as I shared where God has brought me. Though I heard that the board is recommending to the church that they support me monthly, I will hear their final decision in a few weeks.
Similarly, God continues to answer my prayers for support. Several friends have joined my sending team and one family has committed to partner with me monthly. I continue to pray for more partners as I still need to raise $736 in monthly gifts by July 2 in order to leave for Madagascar on August 2. I would love it if you would join me in praying for God's provision.
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