If you are like me, there are a few practical questions that come with the need to wait. God has already answered many of them for me and I hope to encourage you as I pass them along.
What about your team?
God in His providence set up our team training in July rather than January knowing ahead of time that there would be some of us that would need to come a little later. Those who go in January will help the missionary family finish setting up for the whole team to start our training in July.
What now?
I would love your prayers as I look for work for this spring. I have enjoyed working at the resale shop where I have been able to serve the community around me, as well as working with Downsizing by Design to help maturing adults transition into a better home for their situation. However, these two part time jobs have not fully provided for me financially. Thank you for your prayers as I look for a new job and say goodbye to these others.
What about support raising?
I am excited to announce that I am about 45% of the way to where I need to be financially to leave in July for two years. Thank you to those of you who where still hoping to partner with me financially, there is still time. For those of you who have committed to giving to me monthly or are still thinking about it you have the choice of whether you would like to start your monthly gifts in January or July. Note that any monthly giving from January through July will add to the outgoing expenses needed for airfare, housing, and other set up costs. Whatever you decide is great! Please either email me with your decision, which I will then pass along to AIM.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.
I am blessed to have you as family and friends and I value you as part of my life.
Bethany Corin Morris
email: miss.bcmorris@gmail.com
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