Dressing for a Wedding

So, dressing for a wedding is tricky, especially with how many weddings have the same people at them.  Then there is the weather, the type of wedding you're at, and the time of year.  It can be maddening.

I have a few great stand-by's that I can wear to several weddings throughout the year.  You know the ones that work for winter or summer depending on how you accessories them.   For example:

But a girl wants to have a new dress once in a while, especially as I get older and more mature.  I mean those short dresses were fine when I was younger...

But, I went shopping and found a few contenders for this summer:

Here are a few other options if you're looking too:

P.S.  I would love your vote on my new picks for this summer's weddings.  Which of the coral dresses, that I'm wearing above, is your favorite on me?  Comment below, and thanks in advance.


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