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Miss/Wish List

It's time to keep a list of things I'm noticing as I attempt to switch between cultures.  So here it goes... 1. Plastic Bags - They are illegal in Kenya and it's hard not to feel bad at how easily people give them out at stores.  So when I say I don't use them, I feel a little odd walking out of a store carrying my merchandise as if I'm stealing it.  I think I was better at carrying bags around with me in Kenya, but I also didn't go into the store for just one thing when I was there.  Since there were fewer options I didn't price check between stores like I do here.  Its was one-stop shopping in Kenya. 2.  Coffee - I brought African coffee with me forgetting you can get anything here, including Kenyan coffee!!! 3.  Walking to a store - There were times when I complained about having to walk to the store in Kijabe, but now I see how convenient it was to be able to just walk to get TP, Nails, Yogurt, Veggies.  It takes a lot longer to get in t...

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